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Home > Clothing > Skirts > denim midi Longuette Cotton Skirt with split with zip with buttons with pockets

denim midi Longuette Cotton Skirt with split with zip with buttons with pockets

Cotton: 76.8%, Polyester: 20.2%, Spandex: 2%, Viscose: 1%
Model is 160 cm tall and wears size 38.

denim midi Longuette Cotton Skirt with split with zip with buttons with pockets

Item code: P213250001184
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denim midi Longuette Cotton Skirt with split with zip with buttons with pockets

Cotton: 76.8%, Polyester: 20.2%, Spandex: 2%, Viscose: 1%
Model is 160 cm tall and wears size 38.
Available colours:
Light denim
Size guide
About this item

denim midi Longuette Cotton Skirt with split with zip with buttons with pockets

Cotton: 76.8%, Polyester: 20.2%, Spandex: 2%, Viscose: 1%
Model is 160 cm tall and wears size 38.
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